"The concept of total wellness recognizes that our every thought, word, and behavior affects our greater health and well-being. And we, in turn, are affected not only emotionally but also physically and spiritually." Greg Anderson (American best selling Author and founder of the American Wellness Project., b.1964)
Thank you for joining us in the WorkLifeMatters Wellness Center. As a company that offers WorkLifeMatters, Guardian’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a variety of wellness resources are available to help you maintain a culture of wellness in your organization. By clicking on any of the subjects below, you can access tools like PowerPoint presentations, video streams, and articles.
Corporate Resources

Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
A Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is a detailed survey of your employees lifestyle behaviors and health risk status and can be used to help you focus your wellness programs to your employees specific needs. By including an evaluation of an HRA in your wellness initiatives you can provide individualized interventions and activities for your employees. Additionally, HRA data collected regularly will provide a measurement of the effectiveness of your programs by offering insight to changes and improvements among the health of your employees as well as its effect on your bottom line. For more information about Wellness Return on Investment (ROI) click here .
Check first with your medical health plan to find out if they offer HRA analysis as part of your benefits package. Many health plans will provide the HRA, and proactive interventions for those who need it either free, or at a small supplemental cost. If your medical plan does not offer Health Risk Assessments, the following companies may be an option for you to consider. IBH has been in the business of changing behaviors for over 20 years, and as your EAP provider can also assist you in analyzing the needs of your organization based upon the results of your HRA. Interventions and training material are available in the areas of:
The following WhitePapers and articles provide additional information and insight into the benefits of conducting a Health Risk Assessment amongst your employees.